Eléments de la terminologie du temps en égyptien ancien: une étude de sémantique lexicale en diachronie.


This book has a double scope: first, bringing a contribution to the knowledge and understanding of the time conceptions in Ancient Egypt through a lexical study and, second, contributing to the definition of a methodological frame for lexical semantics in Ancient Egyptian.<br><br>
In the introduction, the reader will first find a state of the art from the point of view of time-related studies in Egyptology, lexical semantics studies, and classifiers studies. The next introductory sections deal with the links between time, space and motion, with the complexity of time conceptions in Ancient Egypt, and with the impact of this plural vision on the lexicon.
The first part of the core study aims at establishing a proposition of canvas for the semasiology of nouns. It also presents the semasiological analysis of eight lexemes belonging to the unbounded time domain: <T>A.t</T> (moment), <T>wnw.t</T> (hour), <T>nw</T> (moment), <T>tr</T> (time), <T>HAw</T> (epoch), <T>rk</T> (epoch), <T>aHaw</T> (lifetime) and <T>Hnty</T> (period).
The second part is dedicated to the onomasiology of the unbounded time domain, as well as some of its connections with some contiguous domains like space.
Aperçu du contenu:<br><br>
English Abstract;<br>
0.1 État de la question;<br>
0.2 Objectifs de la présente étude;<br>
Partie I: Notions théoriques:<br>
I.1. Définitions;<br>
I.2. Temps, espace et mouvement;<br>
I.3. Le temps en Égypte ancienne: une conception plurielle;<br>
I.4. Corpus;<br>
I.5. Méthodologie;<br>
Partie II: Sémasiologie;<br>
II.0. Introduction aux analyses de sémasiologie;<br>
II.1. <T>A.t</T>;<br>
II.2. <T>wnw.t</T>;<br>
II.3. <T>nw</T>;<br>
II.4. <T>tr</T>;<br>
II.5. <T>HAw</T>;<br>
II.6. <T>rk</T>;<br>
II.7. <T>aHaw</T>;<br>
II.8. <T>Hnty</T>;<br>
II.9. Récapitulatif des sémèmes identifiés;<br>
Partie III: Onomasiologie:<br>
III.1. Définition des significations-types;<br>
III.2. Oppositions structurelles au sein du réseau sémantique;<br>
III.3. Organisation du sens;<br>
IV. Conclusions;<br>
Liste des abréviations employées;<br>
Index des passages cités.
For a detailed table of contents and the English abstract, see http://widmaier-verlag.de/data/pdf/studmon21/9783943955217_ToC.pdf.


OEB 271054